Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: The Big Lebowski- An XXX Parody

One of my favorite movies, and I’m sure a lot of schmoes share the same opinion, is undoubtedly THE BIG LEBOWSKI.

However, something very strange happened the other day when I was watching ATTACK OF THE SHOW. Usually they run a segment called “Around the Net” in which they’ll show a bunch of crazy clips the interns probably dug up on the interwebs. Well, the top clip of the day came in the form of a BIG LEBOWSKI parody porn.

At first I was like, “Well, this ought to be good for a laugh.” But this shit actually looks good. Good enough that my lady friend and I will most likely take a trip to the nearby porn shop to purchase it when it comes out.

Does the dude abide? I like to think so. Check it out below, definitely SFW.

If you see a cool video online you think would be perfect for this spotlight, drop us a line at

Published by
Niki Stephens