Categories: Movie News

COOL VIDEOS: The nudity of Game of Thrones

All of us Game of Thrones fans can attest to the rampant nudity that is so prevalent in the HBO series.  I’m not positive, but I think that there’s at least one nudie bit per episode, if not an onslaught of bouncing betty’s frollicking across the screen. 

This SNL skit addresses the nudity in the best way they know how and it’s pretty damn funny.  I don’t think hardcare fans (like myself) need to get up in a tizzy over this; it’s all in good fun.  We understand that the nudity in the show serves two purposes; to show the reality and rawness of the world of Westeros and also to titilate. 

Still, most of us are still 13-year olds at heart…or, well, somewhere else. 


Published by
Paul Shirey