Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: The One Man Disney Movie

You might notice that we do a large amount of these Cool Videos posts, and I’ve done a number of them myself. That means I’ve seen a ton of movie related shorts over the years, but I’m going to count this one as one of my favorites.

Nick Pitera is a Pixar employee, but also a fantastic singer. But his talent has so much range, he’s able to sing well in a multitude of different styles, and in this video he takes on the roles of the heroine, hero, supporting characters, villain and chorus, and sings a number of classic Disney ballads doing a practically perfect impression of those who originally sung the tunes.

It really is something to behold, and someone just let this guy voice a character already. He does work for Pixar after all, though singing is one thing that hasn’t really transferred to their films from Disney classics.

Check out Nick’s layered performance below:

Published by
Paul Tassi