Categories: Horror Movie News

Creature feature Stung gets first still

Practical effects is the one thing that could put a smile on the face any fan of the genre, and we've got an amazing display of it right here as the first image from Rat Pack Filmproduction and XYZ Films’ STUNG as made its way online. Some of my favorite horror flicks are made up of nothing but practical effects so anytime a film like STUNG comes around it's instantly on my radar. Our first image gives us a fantastic look at the film's creature, an animatronic wasp, and it's cool as hell!

Some of you may remember the wicked proof of concept video that director Benni Diez shot a while back—if you missed it be sure to check it out because it's an awesome taste of what to expect from the film. Obviously there will be CGI when needed, but Diez plans on using as much practical effects as possible with the flick—so far I'd say this one is shaping up quite nicely. Check out the first still below.

A fancy garden party goes terribly wrong after a local species of wasps mutate into giant predators. It’s up to Paul and Julia, two catering staffers at the high-society event, to stop the killer creatures – an effort that kickstarts a budding romance between the two.

The flick stars Peter Stormare, Lance Henriksen, Clifton Collins, Jessica Cook and Matt O'Leary.

Published by
Ryan Miller