Categories: Horror Movie News

Critically acclaimed zombie romp The Dead already getting a sequel?!

We’ve been talking about Jonathan and Howard J. Ford’s African zombie romp THE DEAD for a while now with nothing but positive buzz coming from the flick. Now that’s always a good sign, especially when word has it a sequel is already in the works!

You see the site Daily Dead recently had a chance to chat it up with one of the film’s directors Howard J. Ford. In the interview Ford let loose some details regarding the potential DEAD sequel, which apparently already has a script moving forward! Check it:

“Jon is in the south of France at the moment, but I’m going down to the Cannes Film Festival and am meeting him there. We’re going to write together at his place in France and we are going to be penning The Dead 2. There’s already a lot down on paper, but there are gaps in it and there are a lot of things we couldn’t do in the first movie that we want to do in the second.

Technically, we’re not officially announcing the sequel at the moment, but I’m hinting heavily that it’s likely to be going ahead. I think I can say that without my hands getting chopped off…

Basically, it’s because of the fan support and the way it has been selling in America. Jon and I are incredibly grateful for everyone’s support and people putting their hard earned cash towards a Blu-ray or DVD of The Dead. Fan support is why we want to make a sequel. It’s not because we want to go back to Africa and get nearly killed. I can’t promise 100% that it will be in Africa, but whatever happens, it will take you somewhere you’ve never been in a zombie movie.

Jon and I have listened to as many comments we can find from fans of the film and proper fans of the genre. We’re listening to the bits they like and the bits they don’t. Those comments on the internet aren’t being wasted. Jon and I are tapping into all of that to make a film that we feel we owe to the people who supported to The Dead.

…there are going to be bigger scenes in it. There are a couple of big action sequences we couldn’t do in the first one, and a few extra scares too, but we’re not going to lose sight of the little details from the first one. It’s the contrast of scale and intimate practical survival moments that excites us most ”

Sounds good to me! We’ll of course be keeping our eyes and ears open for more updates regarding THE DEAD 2 and as soon as those roll our way we’ll be right here to tell you about them.

Published by
Jared Pacheco