Categories: Horror Movie News

Cuban zombie flick Juan of the Dead to get North American distribution

Fresh off its Toronto World Premiere, and on its was to a Fantastic Fest debut in exactly a week, the Cuban horror-comedy JUAN OF THE DEAD is already preparing to infect the rest of the states. Via Variety we learn that the film has been acquired for U.S. and Canadian distribution by Cinetic Media.

In further major territory deals, PandaStorm Pics. closed Germany and Cinema Prestige nabbed Russia. Avalon has Spanish distribution rights and will release JUAN OF THE DEAD in January.

Directed by Alejandro Brugues, JUAN OF THE DEAD takes place 50 years after the Cuban Revolution, and a new one is about to begin. That revolution is zombies; filthy, flesh-eating zombies. The Cubans face a large enough challenge dealing with a zombie infestation (allegedly started by U.S.-backed radical groups), but their procrastinating hero Juan (Alexis Díaz de Villegas) has to overcome his lazy lifestyle to save the world.

We’re unsure when the film will be released in North America, but shall keep you posted. In the meantime, give the trailer a peek below.

Published by
Eric Walkuski