Categories: Movie News

Cusack’s big chase

After spending my awkward years watching John Cusack show us his in movies like BETTER OFF DEAD and SAY ANYTHING, I get a charge out of watching him running around shooting big holes in various people and things in movies like CON AIR and GROSSE POINTE BLANK. Wish fulfillment courtesy of Cusack.

It sounds like he’ll be bringing us a lot more of such aforementioned violence — Cusack is starring in the action flick STOPPING POWER, for SPEED demon Jan de Bont. That’s already been announced, but the real news here is that the flick will apparently finish up with “a 51-minute, real-time chase involving cars, helicopters and jets.” Yow.

That takes some stones, since I don’t even think the actual speed part of SPEED lasted that long. Sounds like it’s aiming for the original GONE IN 60 SECONDS — literally the entire second half of that film is composed of a stolen Mustang evading practically every cop in California.

STOPPING POWER (an ironic title, given the purported non-stopping) features Cusack as an American tourist (and test pilot) whose daughter is kidnapped while visiting Europe.

Published by
Dave Davis