Categories: Movie News

Dafoe bites Hawke

Willem Dafoe has quite a set of chompers, so why not put them to good use as a vampire?

Dafoe will glue on the fangs and go against Ethan Hawke in the upcoming horror flick DAYBREAKERS, from Australian directing siblings Michael and Peter Spierig (UNDEAD). The flick finds Hawke and Dafoe as “dueling vampires” in a future where bloodsuckers have overtaken the planet, making food (meaning, you know, us) in short supply. Sam Neill also stars.

Hawke says that in the film, “we’re all eating our own resources, so we’re trying to get off on foreign humans. We’re trying to get off of trying to create blood substitutes. It’s a big analogy about what’s going on now. It’s really dark and weird and everybody’s sucking each other’s blood.” I assume he’s talking about… corporate outsourcing?

Published by
Dave Davis