Categories: Movie News

Dafoe clowns it up

always been a big fan of Willem Dafoe and it’s not only because he’s
got the creepiest shit-eating grin this side of a serial killer, or
because he refuses to call himself William like every other William
out there, but because he always manages to add a little bit of
spice to his roles. For anyone who has seen Paul Schrader’s
AUTO-FOCUS (read my review of that film HERE),
you must remember this back-and-forth with Greg Kinnear when the
latter asks Dafoe, “What is that on my ass?”, and Dafoe
replies, “That is my hand.” Classic, classic stuff. Anyhoo,
Dafoe has apparently signed up to do another Schrader flick entitled
ADAM RESURRECTED, this one co-starring alongside another unique
thespian in Jeff Goldblum. The film focuses on a former circus
entertainer who was spared the gas chamber so he might entertain
thousands of other Jews as they were marched to their deaths. After
the war, he becomes the leader at an asylum populated by Holocaust
survivors. Definitely not a popcorn flick by any means, but
definitely something interesting that helps offset shite like ARE WE

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