Categories: Movie News

Dan Aykroyd offers up some details on the Ghostbusters 3 plot

I’ll be honest here, I’ve kinda stopped following any GHOSTBUSTERS 3 news. The only reason I’m posting this is because it has plot details for said installment. One of the bigger talkers on the subject, Dan Aykroyd was recently on LARRY KING NOW and said this on Bill Murray‘s unlikely return:

He’s a good friend, I love him, but he just doesn’t want to reprise the role. However, there will be a role for him. If Billy wants to walk in the door and be in the movie, we will find a place.”

He then went into what the film would be centered around:

“We’re going to have to cast. We need four new ghostbusters. We need four new Columbia students. It’s based upon new research that’s being done in particle physics by the young men and women at Columbia University. Basically there’s research being done that…I can say that the world or our dimension that we live in, our four planes of existence, length, height, width, and time, become threatened by some of the research that is being done. And Ghostbusters, new Ghostbusters have to come and some the problem.”

While tons of people are nostalgic over the GHOSTBUSTERS franchise, there are many who don’t care to see a new batch of Ghostbusters. There are also the Murray faithful who are picking up on his vibes about the project. The drama surrounding it all might be more interesting than the final project. I will be happy to see some of the former Ghostbusters in the third movie, but have to save my judgment for the final project.

Published by
Niki Stephens