Categories: Horror Movie News

Daniel Radcliffe takes lead in Alexandre Aja’s Horns, based on Joe Hill’s novel

Nice to see Danny Rad stay in the genre world post-Potter…

After headlining THE WOMAN IN BLACK last year, Daniel Radcliffe has now signed on to play the lead in Alexandre Aja’s HORNS, based on Joe Hill’s novel. Laud or decry the casting if you want, but it’s better than Shia La Beouf right, whose name was previously rumored. Red Granite is financing and co-producing with Mandalay Pictures. Keith Bunin adapted the book to script.

With shooting set for this fall:

Radcliffe will portray the number one suspect for the rape and murder of his girlfriend. He awakens one morning to find horns starting to grow from his own head and soon realizes their power drives people to confess their sins and give in to their impulses — an effective tool in his quest to discover the true circumstances of his late girlfriend’s tragedy.

While not original, I’m glad to see Aja take on something other than a horror remake. And with Hill’s pedigree (son of Stephen King), he should have enough cool shite for Aja and Raddy to work with. You think it’s a good match?

Published by
Jake Dee