Categories: Movie News

DC’s feisty femme fatales swoop in for a new Birds of Prey trailer

Before Harley Quinn and her flock of Birds swoop into theaters to unleash a lethal dose of grrl power into Gotham City on February 7th, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have let fly a new trailer for BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN). As you can clearly see, this new bit of business highlights the upcoming film's manic energy, absurd sense of style, and burning desire to blow shit up!

As the trailer proudly flaunts the attitudes and off-the-wall actions of DC's femme fatales – Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), Helena Bertinelli/Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Rosie Perez (Renee Montoya), and Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco) – there's no denying that Birds of Prey is hoping to arrive as a harbinger for more female-led DC films to come. And why the hell not? Some of the comic label's best characters are women, and I can see any number of them owning the silver screen as well as the box office.

Straight up, I love the energy of this trailer. The movie looks as if it's bursting with color, and the addition of a cover of Bjork's "It's Oh so Quiet" is a real nice touch. Fun Fact: Bjork is my favorite musical artist of all time, so it would appear as if DC is doing their best to win my affections. I surrender, DC, you've got me right where you want me. The new footage also gives us our best overview of the plot so far, which looks to involve Harley and the Birds coming together for a common purpose – kicking the ass of Black Mask and his goons. As the trailer focuses on each member of the team, we find that each lady has wronged (or been wronged) by the movie's "Big Bad," and must wipe him off Gotham's mobster map if all is to eventually be well. With so many weapons at their disposal, and energy coursing through their veins like a stampded of one thousand Red Bulls, I've no doubt that the Birds of Prey will come to claim their much-desired freedom.

In addition to the new film being R-rated, it's been reported that Harley will be celebrating her new lease on life after having kicked her abusive relationship with Joker to the curb. Emboldened by her beloved Birds, the Artist Formely Known As Pumpkin-Pie and her sisters in slaughter will find themselves going up against villains the likes of Black Mask (Ewan McGregor) and Victor Zsasz (Chris Messina). Directing this psychotic smashing of the patriarchy is Cathy Yan (DEAD PIGS, ACCORDING TO MY MOTHER) from a script penned by Christina Hodson (BUMBLEBEE, THE FLASH).

I hope you're prepared for the coming of BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN), because this movie is going to be all up in your face come February, and let me tell you, my body is ready! Ms. Quinn has always been one of my all-time favorite DC characters, and I'll be first in line to see how Robbie presents the character for her sophomore silver screen effort. Let's do this!

BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN) will storm into theaters on February 7, 2020.

Published by
Steve Seigh