Categories: Movie News

Death Defying poster

Here’s the poster for the film DEATH DEFYING ACTS, and I bring it to you because it features the prettiest little girl in the world—Saorise Ronan. She was captivating throughout ATONEMENT, even as an old lady, and since then I’ve been infatuated with her. Not in a gross kind of way, ew. In a ‘she’s a wonderful young-actress with the face of a cherub’ kind of way. The movie’s got some other big names, but that’s not important here. What’s important is that the rich man’s Dakota Fanning is in it, and if you don’t believe how great she is, just wait until she blows your socks off as young Susie Salmon in Peter Jackson’s upcoming THE LOVELY BONES. It’s true, love is inescapable.

Published by
Ben Barna