Categories: Movie News

Dedication poster

I spent the last year or so defending Mandy Moore, so I’d have to have to start doing it again. I think that ever since she grew up and decided not to conform to Hollywood slimming, I’ve fallen madly in love with her. As such I spend most of my time arguing that BECAUSE I SAY SO was Diane Keaton’s fault, LICENSE TO WED was another case of Robin Williams failing to be funny and that she was in fact, unmatched natural beauty during her time on ENTOURAGE.

The poster features some cool artwork, Billy Crudup looking at Mandy Moore like Johnny Knoxville would a shitty script, and has Moore being all super cute and stuff. The film follows a misogynistic children’s book author (Crudup) who is forced to work closely with a female illustrator (Super Cutie) instead of his long-time collaborator and only friend (Tom Wilkinson). So like MUSIC AND LYRICS, except with children’s books? Whatever, Crudup is cool and Wilkinson is always great.

Published by
James Thoo