Categories: Movie News

Del Toro confirmed

It was a rather surreal moment when it was announced that lovably furry directing visionary Guillermo Del Toro had entered official talks to direct the two back-to-back installments of the THE HOBBIT. I mean, it’s a geektastic perfect storm unlike any we’ve ever seen. Still, we had to bottle our excitement seeing as how he was just “in talks”. However, our inner geek is just about ready to blow a massive geektastic load as Del Toro was recently in France helping to promote THE ORPHANAGE, a film he produced, and the film’s director, Juan Antonio Bayona, revealed rather nonchalantly that Del Toro had signed on to direct THE HOBBIT. What’s more, Del Toro does nothing to correct him or remind him that he’s merely “in talks”. Check it out courtesy of the folks over at “The One Ring” over HERE (Note: Video is in Spanish and French). If that isn’t some kinda confirmation, who knows what is.

In not really related news, Empire Online has posted the first in what we presume is a series of video diaries from the set of Del Toro’s HELLBOY 2: THE GOLDEN ARMY. It’s your typical video diary stuff but it’s worth checking out if you’re slobbering to see the film. Which you really should be. Check it out over HERE. HELLBOY tangoes with all kinds of mythical creatures on July 11th.

Published by
Omar Aviles