Categories: Horror Movie News

Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner sequel sets a 2018 release date


For a few months in 2017/2018, it’ll feel like Ridley Scott is in charge of our lives.

Warner Bros. and Alcon Entertainment today announced that BLADE RUNNER 2 (which is not the official title) will be released on January 12, 2018… only a few short months after the debut of the new ALIEN sequel, ALIEN: COVENANT, which comes out in October 2017. Scott, who of course directed ALIEN and BLADE RUNNER, will be heavily involved with both of these new installments.

The BLADE RUNNER sequel will be directed by SICARIO helmer Denis Villenueve and stars Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford. The screenplay is being penned by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green, from a story by Scott and Fancher. Warner Bros. has domestic rights while Sony will distribute internationally.

Don’t let the January release date scare you. In 2015, AMERICAN SNIPER made $85 million after opening on January 15th, while CLOVERFIELD snatched up $40 million on the same Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend in 2008. Hell, both RIDE ALONG movies have opened quite well during the holiday. Bottom line is, if people really want to see a film, it can debut at any point and make bank. (Hello, DEADPOOL!)

Now we await an official synopsis and more.


Published by
Eric Walkuski