Categories: Movie News

Depp as Dillinger

There aren’t many Johnny Depp fans on this site, or in the world for that matter, but John Dillinger is an entirely different story. Just look at the band Dillinger Escape Plan. They’re not called the Depp Escape Plan, right? It doesn’t matter though, because Johnny Depp is actually playing Dillinger in the new Michael Mann film PUBLIC ENEMIES, so expect Depp to reach unparalleled levels of popularity with this role.

Below is our first look at Johnny as John. Depp is smiling in the photo, and I’m not sure if it’s during a take or not, but there is something very depression-era gangster about it. It’s reminiscent of Al Capone, actually. Christian Bale costars as FBI agent Melvin Pelvis, and in a real score for producers, a pre-Oscar winning Marion Cotillard was cast Dillinger’s girlfriend, with the enviable name of Billie Frechette. Channing Tatum, Giovanni Ribisi, and Stephen Dorff all have supporting roles. The film will be out next year.

Published by
Ben Barna