Categories: Horror Movie News

Despite rumors, Daniel Cerone says NBC’s Constantine is not dead yet

NBC's ratings-challenged "Constantine" has seemingly been fighting an uphill battle to stay alive, with numerous rumors circulating over the past several months concerning the shows return or cancellation. Showrunner Daniel Cerone has been fighting to keep the show going and is set to pitch his plans for a second season to executives in the coming weeks.

The most recent murmurings of cancellation came from Buzzfeed's Kate Arthur, who released the following tweet:

She later updated, saying that fate of "Constantine" is not yet written in stone, tweeting out:

So it seems we'll have a few more weeks to go before learning the eventual fate of "Constantine", which has had a small but vocal surge in fan support lately. Daniel Cerone himself released a statement (via that the show is not dead yet, sharing…

I just received confirmation from the corporate offices at NBC. I was assured that Constantine has not been canceled and our pitch meeting to discuss a potential second season remains on the books. By the way, this is a pitch meeting involving the president of Warner Bros and and the entertainment heads of NBC. Nobody at this incredibly busy time of the development season has time to waste taking pointless meetings.

Now, is it fair to say that Constantine is a long shot? Sure, that's fair to say. While we marginally improved a tough time slot for NBC, we're a very expensive show to produce. A lot of NBC's decision making will not doubt hinge on their new pilots and how they feel those new shows would fare as a companion piece to Grimm, versus a second season of Constantine.

I've been meaning to catch up on "Constantine" on Hulu but haven't taken the time to do so yet. I've heard that as the season progresses it gets better and better, and if that's the case then I'm all for a second season coming our way. As always we will keep you updated.

Published by
Kevin Woods