Categories: Movie News

Diary of Dead trailer

It’s impossible to watch the new trailer for DIARY OF THE DEAD without thinking about CLOVERFIELD. Even more so now that I’ve made the direct (and incredibly apt) comparison. DEAD follows a filmmaker and his friends as he shoots ‘the beginning of the end’ aka a population of zombies coming to life to rip you apart. And why is he filming it? To have a record of what happened for the survivors, of course. Sound familiar? While this particular amateur filmmaker did a seemingly better job of holding the camera steady and used better film stock (less shaky-cam and less grainy than CLOVERFIELD) the effect remains the same. There’s a heightened sense of reality because you’re given the sensation of being right there with the characters, rather than watching it unfold from the comfort of a multiplex or your bedroom, for all you crooks out there. Either way, it looks like George A. Romero has ironically breathed life into his franchise, which before this, was seemingly dead. Pun very much intended. Check out the trailer HERE.

Published by
Ben Barna