Categories: Horror Movie News

Did Bill Murray really send Aykroyd & Reitman a shredded Ghostbusters 3 script?

If you did…Bill, you’re my hero!

Here’s a little grist for the rumor mill. That bastion of credible news, The National Inquirer, has it on good faith that, yes…as a way to put matters to bed once and for all…Dr. Peter Venkman returned the GHOSTBUSTERS 3 script to his director and pal Ray Stantz. And did so shredded!

“No one wants to pay money to see fat, old men chasing ghosts!” is apparently how the note read atop the shredded script.

Who knows if this is true, but I sure hope it is. I’ve been as staunchly against a third GHOSTBUSTERS picture as Murray himself, so I’m glad to see him stick to his guns. If this is true, that is. A more likely scenario is Murray made a joke about throwing the script into a shredder, and someone from the Inquirer ran with it. I can tell you, when listening to Ivan Reitman on Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show a couple months ago…Bill was still disinterested in even reading the script. Maybe he got to page three and sailed that sucker in the waste basket.

Thoughts on this never-ending drama?

Who You Gonna Call?!?

Published by
Jake Dee