Categories: Movie News

Director Harry Bromley Davenport says Xtro 4 is coming

The first XTRO is one of those “so bad it’s good” movies, or maybe, “so bizarre it’s good”. Or “so bad it’s terrible”. Not sure how to classify it, but it’s super f*cking weird, and worth a look for those who enjoy extremely odd (and gross) cinema. I don’t believe I’ve seen any of the sequels (although who knows), but it looks like its legacy is living on in the form of a third sequel. Guess I’m going to have to catch up…

According to Harry Bromley Davenport, director of all three films, told Fangoria that the long-awaited (?) XTRO 4 is in the works.

“I am going to be starting XTRO 4 this summer; you are the first to receive this shattering news… A script by Daryl Haney is in the works, and my sales guys are salivating. It’s going to be a very odd movie indeed. Sort of back to the roots of the first one, but much stranger and, hopefully, more uncomfortable.”

For those who care about such things, Daryl Haney wrote the third XTRO film, as well as FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 7. We’ll keep you in the XTRO loop as soon as we hear more!

Published by
Eric Walkuski