Categories: Horror Movie News

Director Ruben Fleischer says Zombieland 2 becoming less & less likely

First it was actor Jesse Eisenberg saying how things weren’t looking so good for ZOMBIELAND 2 and now director Ruben Fleischer is confirming his claims. Bummer.

You see the guys over at ComingSoon recently had the chance to chat it up with Fleischer about his upcoming comedy 30 MINUTES OR LESS and they couldn’t help but ask a question about ZOMBIELAND 2. Scope out Fleischer’s response:

“I can promise you it’s something we all want to do. I think the reality of it happening is getting less and less real. It’s just harder and harder every day, because everybody’s gotten really busy and the reality is that we’ve never had a script that we’ve all just fallen in love with. Until there’s a script that we all can say, ‘This is it,’ it’s more of an idea than an actual thing that we can work towards prioritizing and realizing. …. It’s not like it’s going to pick up right where they left off. I think some time passage might be cool.”

Not sounding too optimistic is he? It’s understandable considering all the stars of ZOMBIELAND are moving on nicely with their own careers – Woody Harrelson has been tapped for THE HUNGER GAMES, which has franchise potential, Emma Stone (below) is the new ‘Gwen Stacy’ in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, and any sequels that might spawn from that, and Jesse Eisenberg was just nominated for a Best Actor Oscar last year so his career isn’t exactly on the decline. Plus Abigail Breslin is getting older everyday… so things just aren’t looking good for ZOMBIELAND 2.

Then again who knows? This is Hollywood and stranger things have happened. I’m actually pretty glad Fleischer and company are waiting for a solid script instead of just rushing into production. One thing is for sure, you guys can bet we’ll be bringing you every piece of ZOMBIELAND 2 news we hear, whether it’s happening or not.

Published by
Jared Pacheco