Categories: Horror Movie News

Director Simon P. Edwards has put Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse

As you can deduce from the title, director Simon P. Edwards' new film SIX HOT CHICKS IN A WAREHOUSE is a grindhouse-style horror movie, and it's one that promises to be ultraviolent and neon-soaked. What is it about? That title gives you a good idea, but let's allow Edwards to explain it himself:

First came the title. Something stupid. Something which would grab attention and divide opinion. Something which people would make assumptions on and cause lively debate.

In an unusual order the story was built from the title. Firstly how could we connect these together? Girls, a warehouse? The obvious was a creative space or photography studio. This gave us our villain. A body obsessed photographer with a real gripe about being transparent in a world of beauty. Next came the horror and the far fetched storyline? The photographer taking extreme measures to 'improve' himself and stumbling on a method of revenge for years of being rejected and ignored. This same method providing a catalyst for turning the girls against themselves in a bizarre sequence of violent and uncharacteristic events.

Having successfully completed a Kickstarter campaign back in February, SIX HOT CHICKS IN A WAREHOUSE is currently in production, with Edwards having assembled a cast for it that includes Jessica Messenger, Oliver Malam, Sabine Crossen, Jade Wallis, Sandra Huzuneanu, Elesha Thorn, Max Rudd, Lucy-Anne Brooks, Holly Springett, Monty Jordan, Chloe Toy, and Jesse Jane. Yes, some of those cast members are also porn stars.

The film was scripted by Edwards, with some assistance from Kate G. Smith and Kim Dyer. Edwards is producing with Mark Benfield and Jessica Messenger.

The plan is to have SIX HOT CHICKS IN A WAREHOUSE released by the end of 2016, and it sounds to me like it's going to be a fun one.

Published by
Cody Hamman