Categories: Movie News

Director Todd Phillips releases some curious behind the scenes photos for The Hangover Part III

It looks as though director Todd Phillips has decided to get a jump on raising awareness about a little movie you may have heard of – THE HANGOVER PART III.  The project has been more or less completely dark thus far, with little information even about the plot managing to escape. 

But with the movie releasing in seven months or so, and still-lingering fears about the movie retreading the same ground as the first movie in the way THE HANGOVER PART II did, the information and updates and sneak peaks will no doubt begin to appear in short order.  And if these first photos released by Phillips are anything to go by, they’ll only make the wait all the more maddening with the intrigue and subtle strangeness they showcase.

Check’ em out below, and tell us what you think below that! The Wolfpack returns May 24th, 2013.

Published by
Alejandro Stepenberg