Categories: Movie News

Disney in very early talks with Emma Watson for a live-action Cinderella

Looks like Disney is breaking out the glass slipper again.

Variety is reporting that the studio has been in contact with Emma Watson to play the lead in a live-action version of CINDERELLA. The film will be directed by Kenneth Branagh and Cate Blanchett has already been cast as the wicked stepmother. The talks are in the very early stages so this isn’t a lock yet. Disney also considered other actresses such as Gabriella Wilde, Imogen Poots, and Alicia Vikander but couldn’t get any of the actresses to commit to the role.

Look, I’d much rather see Emma Watson in Darren Aronofsky‘s NOAH or THIS IS THE END, but lets face it: actors and actresses have to make their money. Disney is probably going to throw a good chunk of change at her and it might be easy to shit on her for taking it, but it’s not like she’s only been doing kid friendly or big budget movies besides HARRY POTTER. She’s got some acting chops and if there’s going to be a CINDERELLA live-action movie, why not Emma Watson? Would you rather have Kristen Stewart?

Published by
Jesse Giroux