Categories: Movie News

District 9 fans: you’ll probably want this book

Cool as DISTRICT 9 was, you probably wondered what went into some of those funky designs for the aliens and their weaponry.

You’ll get plenty of insight from an upcoming book called “The Art of DISTRICT 9”, currently being put together by the WETA Workshop team who help filmmaker Neill Blomkamp bring his vision of Prawns and portable Arc Generators to the screen.

UPDATE: The book will ship in October and is now available for pre-order RIGHT HERE.

A 160-page hardcover for $35 bucks — a great deal for fans of the film. Some more details:

Foreword by Director Neill Blomkamp

-Introduction by Richard Taylor

-Behind-the-scenes photographs

-Commentary and quotes from the director and artists 

-More than 650 pieces of concept art

-More than 200 photographs of conceptual sculptures and finished props

-Two-dozen concepts and sketches from director Neill Blomkamp

-Many images of props not seen in the final cut of the film

You can also find WETA’s impressive DISTRICT 9 replicas HERE.

Published by
Dave Davis