Categories: Movie News

Does author Mark Z. Danielewski think it would be possible to bring House of Leaves to the big screen?

While time wasting on Facebook, I saw that author Mark Z. Danielewski was taking questions on Twitter. I immediately jumped at the opportunity. In a haste, I decided to go for a question that most House of Leaves fans have been pondering. What does Danielewski think of bringing his novel to the big screen? Is it even possible? Would he approve?

Below you will find the answers that you seek:″ data-datetime=”2012-08-23T17:26:31+00:00

There you have it in 140 characters or less. Personally, I’m glad he keeps resisting. As I told him in my response, while I know people would like to see an adaptation, I think it’s perfect and unspoiled in its current form.

Published by
Niki Stephens