Categories: Movie News

Dolph on Expendables


When Sly Stallone’s action flick THE EXPENDABLES first started coming together, his ROCKY IV opponent Dolph Lundgren was mentioned as part of the ensemble, but his name slowly slipped down the list as more meat was thrown on the pile.

But Dolph is apparently still very much involved. And while early rumors claimed he’d be pitting his martial mass against diminutive wu shu whirlwind Jet Li in the movie, it sounds like he’s also having a rematch with Rocky after a quarter-century.

As Lundgren tells Wizard, his character is “a mercenary who’s part of Sly’s team. He’s kind of a victim of the violence. He ends up getting fired by Stallone. Later in the picture, some other sinister character trying to get back at Sly and his and people hires me to take him out. Because I need the money, I do it. There’s a showdown between me, him and Jet Li.

As for why Dolph didn’t get a call for Rocky’s recent resurgence in ROCKY BALBOA? “Not sure,” he says. “Drago is probably still stuck in Siberia for losing that first fight.”

Published by
Dave Davis