Categories: Movie News

Dr. Horrible update

A little while ago, we told you about the first trailer for Joss Whedon’s web musical “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” in which Neil Patrick Harris stars as the titular meek super villain whose constant thrashing by his superhero nemesis Captain Hammer, seemingly played with delicious camp by Nathan Fillion, really get in the way of his attempts to woo the girl at the laundromat (Felicia Day). Given that the trailer was all kinds of awesome, we’ve been anxious to know when this baby’s gonna debut online. Thanks to Pop Watch, we now know that the first fourteen minute webisode of the 42 minute series will premiere on on July 15th with two subsequent fourteen minute installments following on the 17th and 19th. Hells to the yeah, baby!

Published by
Omar Aviles