Categories: Horror Movie News

“Dr. Who” hottie Karen Gillan signs on for Intrepid’s supernatural flick Oculus

A few months ago we told you about an intriguing new supernatural project coming at us from FilmDistrict and Intrepid called OCULUS. You guys remember that? Sure the thing doesn’t jump out at you with a title like that but it’s about a haunted mirror! Come one, that’s pretty interesting right? Here’s the rundown in case you need to refresh your memory:

OCULUS centers on a murder that left two children orphans with authorities charging the brother while his sister believed that the true culprit was a haunted antique mirror. Now completely rehabilitated and in his twenties, the brother is ready to move on but his sister is determined to prove that the haunted mirror was responsible for destroying their family.

Mike Flanagan will be directing OCULUS based on a script he penned with Jeff Howard. Word coming out of Variety today has “Dr. Who” hottie Karen Gillan being the first name cast in the supernatural drama. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to assume Gillan will be playing the ‘sister’ in the flick though that hasn’t been officially confirmed.

I don’t know about you guys but OCULUS had me at ‘haunted mirror.’ We’ll of course keep our eyes open for more on OCULUS as it continues casting into it’s Fall start date, so check back soon for any updates that roll our way.

Published by
Jared Pacheco