Categories: Movie Trailers

Emilia Clarke needs to GTFO in first trailer for Voice From the Stone

A good scare can be exhilarating, reminding you that fear is the most primal of all human emotions, defining how our early ancestors lived and evolved. But that was, like, a billion years ago. Our scares are classy now, accompanied by flowing gowns, sweeping castles and those fancy things that hold candle sticks. None of that has been more evident than in the first trailer for Emilia Clarke’s VOICE FROM THE STONE. The period horror movie has fog, dark corners and the GAME OF THRONES starlet looking like she could really use some dragons right about now.

Okay, the movie doesn’t look too scary. In fact, it looks like the movie will be 99 percent build-up before making Clarke run through the fog in some sort of climax. But, the movie does look absolutely gorgeous on a production level. I wasn’t off-put once watching the advertised terror, but I was enamored by the look of it all. The movie will have at least that going for it…plus that R-rating for sexuality and nudity.

VOICE FROM THE STONE arrives April 28.

Published by
Matt Rooney