Categories: Movie News

Enchanted 2 picks up a couple of new writers and a director

Back in 2007, ENCHANTED aimed to poke fun at countless fairytale movies as well as craft one of its own. It’s success was largely due to Amy Adams, who’s infectiously optimistic attitude surprisingly matched that of her animated counterparts without coming off as annoying. Sure, she showed off her acting chops in JUNEBUG (check it out if you haven’t seen it) and her comedic talents in TALLADEGA NIGHTS, but ENCHANTED showed the world she was a force to be reckoned with. The film would not have been the hit it was without her, and there have been rumblings of a sequel ever since. It looks like ENCHANTED 2 is picking up steam, however, as two writers and a director have been chosen to helm the follow-up.

J. David Stem and David N. Weiss are the writing duo tapped to take over duties from Jessie Nelson, who was in charge of an earlier draft. More recently the writing team has been involved with THE SMURFS (both movies) and ARE WE THERE YET? Just take a minute to shelve your excitement before we move on. Saddling up as director would be Anne Fletcher, who brought the world THE GUILT TRIP and THE PROPOSAL.

ENCHANTED had the right idea, and a hell of a leading lady. Perhaps Disney feels they can improve or expand on what was done in the first one? Or perhaps the first made $340 million worldwide and they’re looking to grab a little more. Maybe a bit of both, eh? The crew behind ENCHANTED 2 thus far doesn’t really inspire much confidence, but bringing back Amy Adams will be the key.  This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of an ENCHANTED sequel in the works, so we’ll see how this pans out.

Published by
Sean Wist