Categories: Movie News

Enter the Sanctum Sanctorum in new Doctor Strange concept art

At the tail-end of 2015 we received our first look at Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange in Marvel's upcoming DOCTOR STRANGE. We also got a glimpse at a few pieces of concept art which will likely be the tip of a very weird iceberg as Benedict Cumberbatch has said that there's "going to be crazy s— going on" in DOCTOR STRANGE. Marvel recently released their own versions of the previously released pictures, but included one new item of note, a piece of concept art featuring Dr. Strange at home in his Sanctum Sanctorum.

Check it out, and don't forget to click to embiggen!

Marvel Studios co-president and DOCTOR STRANGE Executive Producer Louis D'Esposito has been tweeting his own sneak-peeks from the set of DOCTOR STRANGE, and his latest tweet shows off piece of the Sanctum Sanctorum set in the flesh.

DOCTOR STRANGE is set for a November 4, 2016 release.

Published by
Kevin Fraser