Categories: Interviews

Exclusive 1:1 Interview: Channing Tatum talks The Book of Life & 23 Jump St.

In Jorge R. Gutierrez’s splendid animated feature THE BOOK OF LIFE, Channing Tatum plays Joaquin, a pompous but good-natured soldier who finds himself fighting for the affection of his childhood friend Maria (Zoe Saldana) against his best pal Manolo (Diego Luna). Unbeknownst to all of them, the outcome of this love triangle will have consequences far more significant than can be imagined.

This is my third time interviewing Tatum, who is always a cheerful, engaging presence. Here we talk about working on his first animated movie, working with producer Guillermo del Toro and his co-stars, whether or not a kids movie about death is a tough sell, and – off-topic a bit – what we can expect from 23 JUMP STREET.

Published by
Eric Walkuski