Categories: Interviews

Exclusive 1:1 Interview: Deliver Us From Evil Star Edgar Ramirez!

Edgar Ramirez is a pretty terrific actor. He also happens to have an impressive resume with appearances in such feature films as DOMINO, VANTAGE POINT, ZERO DARK THIRTY as well as the mini-series “Carlos the Jackal.” And this weekend he is taking on a demon or two in DELIVER US FROM EVIL. In the new Scott Derrickson directed flick, Ramirez steals nearly every scene he is in. The man exudes a ton of presence in the film and gives one hell of a performance.

When I sat down with the actor, we talked about delving into the dark side and preparing for dealing with demons. He discussed speaking with exorcists and finding the reasons why people would want to do that with their lives. He went on about opening himself up to the fear and doubt that went with portraying a character like this. Clearly, the actor took his task seriously and it shows with his impressive performance.

You can check out Edgar Ramirez in DELIVER US FROM EVIL opening on July 2nd.

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