Categories: Interviews

Exclusive 1:1 Interview: Keanu Reeves talks John Wick!

"People keep asking me if I'm back. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!"

That's the line of dialogue you've heard in all of the JOHN WICK commercials, as the character – a former assassin – goes back to his killer roots to avenge the death of his puppy. But it's all the more effective when you recognize it's being said by Keanu Reeves, who is once again being a badass with a vengeance in this fun, hyper-violent thriller, out October 24th. Reeves, who at 50-years-old miraculously still looks about 30, proves in JOHN WICK that he's still a very convincing action star – something that may have been called into question after last year's critical and commercial dud 47 RONIN.

Below you'll find my interview with Reeves, where we talk his return to ass-kicking form, driving awesome cars, and whether or not we'll see John Wick return for a sequel (Keanu suggests JOHN WICK ON VACATION! I'd watch it!)

Published by
Eric Walkuski