Categories: Interviews

Exclusive 1:1 Interview with Peter Dinklage for X-Men: Days of Future Past!

At a junket that saw the likes of Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Michael Fassbender in attendance, it was hard to argue that the main man appeared to be Peter Dinklage. And why not? Who doesn’t watch and love him on “Game of Thrones” as the tortured Tyrion Lannister? But as tempting as it might have been to get Dinklage to discuss the HBO series, we were here to talk about his turn as Sentinel-creating scientist Bolliver Trask in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, whose quest to destroy all mutants leads to results far more dire than he could have ever envisioned.

I spoke to Dinklage about his familiarity with the X-MEN comics, playing “the villain,” his approach to being in a blockbuster and his experience with fan feedback. (I also try, and fail, to make him my new Words With Friends opponent.)

Published by
Eric Walkuski