Categories: Movie News

Exclusive: Check out the Dolph Lundgren character poster from Expendables 2!

UPDATED with the rest of the crew in their exclusive debuts (click the names):

Arnold, Sly, Van Damme, Jet Li, Couture, Willis, Statham, Norris, Hemsworth, Yu Nan

The towering Swede Dolph Lundgren is finally back in action on the big screen thanks to his role as Gunnar Jensen in Sylvester Stallone’s THE EXPENDABLES and now we have an exclusive character poster of the former Ivan Drago in the sequel, THE EXPENDABLES 2.  

He must break you:

Out of all the current marketing trends, including the asinine teaser-for-the-trailer bit, the character posters are something I actually enjoy.  It’s great for collectors and great for fans that just want a poster of their favorite character from a specific film.  And who doesn’t need a little Lundgren staring them down with a semi-automatic weapon with sparks and shit floating all around him?  That’s pure “office cubicle” decor right there.

I’ve got to say, I’m kind of happy to see ol’ Dolph back in the mainstream.  He’s no Daniel Day Lewis in the acting department, but he’s got presence and sometimes that’s good enough.  He also has a reported IQ of 160 and a master’s degree in chemical engineering.  No, seriously.

I’m really hoping that THE EXPENDABLES 2 is a fun ride.  I don’t anticipate some stellar acting, just some great quips, one-liners, explosions, and fights between stars we never thought we’d see throw down.  If the 80’s crew can deliver that (and an R-rating) then I think all will be well with the action movie gods. 

THE EXPENDABLES 2 opens on August 17, 2012.

Also, if you’ve never seen Dolph Lundgren sing and dance to Elvis, break boards with his fists and feet, play the drums, and smash five tiers of ice with one blow, then you’ve never really lived…

Published by
Paul Shirey