Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive clip from The Demon’s Rook shows a demonic transformation!

Want to start off your Monday in batshit crazy fashion?! Then feast on this exclusive clip from Tribeca Film’s THE DEMON’S ROOK, a monstrous throwback to the DIY horror films of the 70s and 80s! Directed by James Sizemore, the film is filled to the brim with gore and demonic creatures from hell, so there’s a pretty good chance you’ll want to check it out.

In our clip, a villainous demon goes about transforming an ordinary man into a fugly abomination – looks quite painful!

Here’s the film’s synopsis:

Chaos descends upon a quiet town when Roscoe, the pupil of a wizard monk from an ancient race of demons, unknowingly opens a portal that allows an unspeakable evil to travel freely into our world. When three grisly beasts cross into our dimension, the living are possessed and the dead rise to destroy everything in their path. Armed with demons’ magic, Roscoe is the only fighting chance to put an end to their eternal path of destruction.

THE DEMON’S ROOK hits VOD tomorrow, September 30th.

Published by
Eric Walkuski