Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive clip from The Velocipastor gets jurassic on your ass!

A man of the cloth turns Jurassic in Brendan Steere's THE VELOCIPASTOR! The classic-in-the-making will be available on DVD and Digital via Wild Eye Releasing this August on such platforms as iTunes, Comcast, Spectrum, Dish, Vudu, Amazon, Fandango and Sling. A Blu-ray release will follow in September. And today we have an exclusive clip to share with you guys!

The clip features a fellow wandering around in the woods at night before, you guessed it, turning into a dinosaur! A woman is then walking around in those same dark woods, smoking, before she's robbed at gunpoint by some hapless soul who, you guessed it, then gets super-eaten by a very low-budget dino. Yes, we can all just ao ahead and agree right here and now that the clip is more than a little super-silly, but you've got to love the creepy Giallo-style score in the background. I dig it!

Go ahead and check out the exclusive clip from yourself above and then make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think!

The film begins

After a devastating family tragedy, when a priest travels to China to find deeper spirituality but instead is endowed with an ancient ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first, he is horrified by his newfound superpower, but a local prostitute convinces him to use his newfound gift to fight evil – and ninjas.

Written and directed by Brendan Steere the film is produced by Steere along with Jesse Gouldsbury and Brandon Taylor. It stars Gregory James Cohan, Alysa Kempinski, Daniel Steere, Yang Jiechang, Jesse Turits, Fernando Pacheco de Castro, and Aurelio Voltaire. It hits DVD and Digital August 13 on such platforms as iTunes, Comcast, Spectrum, Dish, Vudu, Amazon, Fandango and Sling. A Blu-ray release will follow September 17.

Published by
Mike Sprague