Categories: TV Reviews

Exclusive Cool Video: Han Solo’s “I know” response works in any movie

One of the best lines from the original Star Wars trilogy was Han Solo's totally boss response to Princess Leia's "I love you" in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The original scene had Harrison Ford saying "I love you too," but as I'm sure most of you know, the actor and director Irvin Kershner didn't like it, so Ford changed the line to "I know," forever cementing Han Solo as one of the coolest cool-guy characters in movie history.

Matt Kerkhoff (the same dude responsible for our Movie CliffsNotes video series) has created a fun video that features Harrison Ford's improved line as the response to several famous movie moments, like Gandalf's "You shall not pass!" from THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Yeah, it's a very silly idea for a video, but I dare you not to laugh at least once while watching it.

Published by
Jesse Giroux