Categories: Movie News

Exclusive Interview: Rosamund Pike and author Gillian Flynn talk Gone Girl!

As a big fan of GONE GIRL the book, I was very eager to meet Gillian Flynn, the author who crafted the complicated, gripping yarn. As a big fan of GONE GIRL the movie, I was eager to meet Rosamund Pike, the British born actress who tackles the complex lead role of Amy Dunne, whose disappearance from her home sets in motion a plot that whips this way and that until you're left feeling simultaneously worn out and invigorated. So what a pleasure it was to see the two lovely ladies sitting next to each other in the same place: Amy and her creator.

GONE GIRL is not an easy topic to talk about without spoiling its secrets, but here the three of us give it a go. I spoke to Pike about wrapping her head around the enigma that is Amy Dunne, was well as what information she sought out from the author herself. Meanwhile, I asked Flynn, who also penned the screenplay, about the surreality of seeing her words come to life on the big screen and working with director David Fincher.

Published by
Eric Walkuski