Exclusive Interview: Straight talk with Bad Frank star Kevin Interdonato!

Kevin Interdonato is a genuine badass. After serving in the Iraqi War in Baqhdad (2004-2005) Kevin returned home and pursued his passion for acting in a major way, having racked up over 25 credits in the last five years. His main breakout? A revenge thriller he co-wrote and starred in called BAD FRANK, which we saw earlier this fall and enjoyed (see the review HERE). Kevin is emerging as a true triple threat in the film industry, reminiscent of a young Stallone and De Niro and since he’s on the upswing, we wanted to have a chat with him about his career, his goals and the future.


How did you get into the acting world? A life goal or was it by accident?

Kevin: My very first step into this business was a scam talent agency in north New Jersey. I got burned like many others…thinkin’ about it, I’m glad that happened starting off. It prepared me for a hard road, and I earned every piece I got. Great friend of mine told me recently, ‘Kev, if you got smacked in the face with Luck, you wouldn’t know what to do with it’. …Not a life goal at all. But it instantly was, after my first acting class. Never looked back.

Your typecast seem to be the “tough guy” role. Did you ever get tired of it? If so, have you finally embraced it?

Kevin: Yeah only early on though. Certain roles I received or was offered, the darker, edgier characters, I started taking it personally. But I began to fully embrace these characters, not judge them, and realizing they were all real people with vulnerabilities, insecurities, they were victims, etc., and my work deepened within the characters I play because of my own life experiences. I began to see and understand the person, regardless of the ‘tough-guy’ essence that may exude. You’re probably not going to see me in a romantic comedy anytime soon, and I’m fine with it. I can’t relate to that shit anyway.

You’ve acted in over five projects in 2016 alone. Would you consider yourself to be a work-a-holic?

Kevin: Without a question or doubt. I need to be creatively satisfied, I’m obsessed with working towards it, the high of the work. Fuels me. I don’t know what it feels like to Not work towards something, which is what started my Producing efforts as well. So I explored that world with as much tenacity as I work as an Actor. Made sure I was beneficial to a Film Production by having good relationships with Distributors, Sales Reps, amazing Actors, DP’s, Editors, my own ‘book of business’ to benefit the Films I’m in. It’s a good feeling being able to contribute to raise the potential of a successful film on different levels, and keeps me busy.

You wrote Dirty Dead Con Men and had a hand in writing your latest film Bad Frank. Is writing something that you enjoy doing? Or do you do it out of necessity?

Kevin: I do like the process of writing. It is satisfying to a degree. But I wouldn’t call myself a Writer, because I’m not a Professional Writer, and wouldn’t want to insult people that devote their life to it, or use the term loosely. It’s its own craft. I have much respect for Writers. I think I can relate to the obsessive nature of the process. I do write out of necessity, yes. Fueled by my own desires as an Actor. Sounds selfish saying that shit, but I’m far from it. It’s just that I innately see myself telling and living out stories, that’s the Actor in me, the storyteller. Writing comes from a personal place for me, I don’t conceptualize or visualize outside from my own perspective. Writers have that gift and talk to create a life outside their own, a whole world. Not gonna ride a horse couple times and call myself a jockey.

BAD FRANK has been doing the Festival rounds and getting rave reviews. The film basically rests on your shoulders. Did you find that at all intimidating?

Kevin: Well when you put it like that…nah it’s not. This is the one area in my life when my palms don’t sweat, and I want the ball on the Goal-line. I was very fortunate to be approached my Tony Germinario and Brandon Heitkamp to play Frank Pierce, and they let me run. Tony let me breathe that role. Didn’t try ‘crafting’ anything or putting reigns on me, and that’s when I’m truly free and can give my best, all of me. We’re all really happy with the Film, it was truly a collaborative effort, and I’m damn proud to work alongside every single crew guy, gal and Actor on that Film. I was really just a piece in that puzzle. It rested on everyone’s shoulders, regardless if it was my mug on screen.

What kind of mental and physical preparation did you do to portray such a psychologically unstable and violent role like Frank?

Kevin: Hard to talk about my preparation with certain roles. It’s so personal. Lot of it would be embarrassing or way too invasive if anyone saw or knew how I work to prepare…it’s almost like asking someone about how they felt if their mother passed away, or how I felt in Iraq during the war. Hope that doesn’t sound odd and anyone reading this understands where I’m coming from. For me it’s a pretty private process. Lot of actors like to boast about what they do to prepare, and they want trophies for eating cockroaches or something. Like it’s a contest. That’s not being an Actor, to me. It’s someone that wants attention. Yes, There’s certain areas I needed to fully tap into without repercussions or inhibitions to have the tendencies to play a man like Frank Pierce. There was a lot of pain in his life on top of his psychological issues, and exploring that was an arduous and draining prep. Yes it was extensive and I scared myself a few times. But on the same hand, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy every second of it. I’m sorry, I really hope I’m not coming off like a jerk for avoiding the question. It’s just personal, and I don’t seek attention for it.

What would you say was the most challenging scene to nail down in Bad Frank?

Kevin: Actually the hardest scene to figure out was not a big one. It was a transitional scene between Frank and Crystal, Mickey’s daughter, played by Lynn Mancinelli. She’s the next Jennifer Jason Leigh. Awesome working with her…I had issue with the scene, finding the life in what just happened between the 2 characters, and making an honest and justified turn in which both Frank and Crystal have completely different viewpoints of each other. There was a switch, and we worked it out together and Tony gave us the time to try new things. We found it, worked out. Telling the story the right way is always on my mind playing the lead. Even though the scene was not a heightened one, I was nervous about the continuity of the story.

Tom Sizemore is an excellent actor! How was it going toe to toe with such a powerhouse? Any funny story you can share?

Kevin: Tommy was a trip. He rolled his sleeves up and dove in with everyone else, and he knew right away he was in good company. Every Actor was top-notch in the film. I really enjoyed working opposite Tom, I was honestly blown away couple times, we all were. Watched him off-screen. His process. He’s a seasoned Pro and elevated the film to another level. I actually don’t have funny stories, Just a great experience. Low-budget, pressed on time every day, so we all just got to work. I was off set a lot if I wasn’t working so I missed a lot of the good stuff!

When can we all expect to see Bad Frank? Any distribution updates?

Kevin: Bad Frank is getting a lot of offers in Foreign Countries already apparently, and will be released in the US early next year. No date yet, soon though. I’ll obviously be spreading the word on my Twitter when things line up, so anyone interested can say hey @KevinIntro and @BadFrankMovie

You seem to be in good shape. What’s your diet and workout regimen?

Kevin: Pasta every Sunday. Hit the bag, keep my hands good.

When’s the last time you got in a fistfight? Why and was it worth the scrapes?

Kevin: Been awhile and I intend to keep it that way. Everyone has cameras now. Not worth it. I mean some guys…no… nevermind.

The film industry can be a frustrating domain. How do you avoid getting bitter or/and cynical?

Kevin: Frustration is a familiar feeling being an Actor. But there’s frustration in everyone’s life, regardless of profession. You’re strength and integrity, your will and determination are tested much more frequently. I think I began to avoid the pitfalls when I decided to be more proactive in my career a few years back. But I do get pissed on a daily basis, don’t think that’ll ever change. I’m from New Jersey, so that’s normal for us.

You served during the Iraqi War. How much of that experience do you bring to your roles today?

Kevin: My experience in war changed me. Changes everyone that’s been in combat. Lot of stuff is in the closet and for the most part, it stays there. I’m better in day-to-day life not stirring things up. I don’t find myself opening those doors for my roles. If had the opportunity to give that side of myself playing a Soldier, with a great script, Producer, Director… a lot of aspects would have to be in place. I would need full confidence on production’s end so I felt safe to open up the closet.

If there’s one type of film you’d like to do, a genre you haven’t touched yet, what would it be?

Kevin: I would love to finally be in a straight-up Action Film. Die Hard-type movie, Bourne Identity, along those lines. I don’t care if it’s small-scale budget, as long as it’s a good storyline and the Director could pull it off. It’s boiling in me to give my all in an Action Film and make heads spin!

What does Kevin Interdonato during his downtime? How do you relax?

Kevin: Always was and will be a Movie lover, that’s my go-to, to relax. Play with my puppy. Grab a beer every now and then.

What’s next for you? Any new projects in the works? When will we see you next?

Kevin: There’s a couple in the works since Bad Frank started playing Festival, I’ve been fortunate and getting calls. Really excited about SEAN ROYAL, a story based on actual events about a hard-nosed, obsessive Detective in Philly, fighting to solve a murder case while his drug-addicted wife goes missing and he goes for broke finding her. Hell of a script by John Charles Hunt, really appreciative and excited to roll my sleeves up on that one. And I’ll be working with your boss Writer,Filmmaker and Actor John Fallon on his exciting project in Development called EVA, an ass-kicking La Femme Nikita type flick. He just burst on the scene with THE SHELTER, damn cool Movie, and can’t wait to be working with him as well.


Published by
Eric Walkuski