Categories: Movie News

Exclusive: Mark Millar talks potential Matthew Vaughn directed Man of Steel

Recently, Mark Millar sat down with Mario-Francisco Robles for an interview courtesy of the El Fanboy Podcast, and while waxing rhapsodic about potential projects in the pipeline, Millar told Robles that he and Matthew Vaughn once started kicking around a pitch for a Superman trilogy back in 2008. Naturally, Robles started asking some questions, which then segued into the latest happenings between Vaughn and the WB doing a Superman film.

First, Robles and Millar hit on the topic of what the Kingsman creative thinks about the latest buzz surrounding Vaughn and DC Entertainment.

"He and I are massive Superman fans. I mean, we worship Richard Donner. We love the Christopher Reeve movies. He actually phoned me up a few months ago, and he said, “Hey, listen, DC, they’re very interested in me doing Man of Steel 2. Do you want to come in and do this?’ And I was like, ‘I’m exclusive to Netflix for years. We can’t even have that conversation.’ And he was like, ‘Oh, man. What's the chances of this?’ And then he kind of drifted away. And he’s attached himself to a couple of things and all that. Y'know so, it’s one of those things that might, I mean- if somebody phones Matthew up and offers him enough money it could all change tomorrow," Millar shared with Robles.

As their conversation continued, Millar was asked about the Superman movies they would have made had the studio ever listened to their pitch. Mark was happy to comment by saying the following:

“It was actually a massive, uplifting, hopeful thing. There’s no point doing Superman unless you feel good. You should walk out of ‘Superman’ just feeling like a million dollars. You should feel great after a Superman film. The movie itself was going to be a big, vast fun epic. But 'Superman’s got to be a laugh, as well.”

Keep in mind that the above quotes are merely a taste of what's included in the full El Fanboy Podcast interview. The show will be available in its entirety tomorrow here, as well as where ever podcasts are found.

Oh man, can we please build a time machine and give that Superman project the green light? I wonder how Millar and Vaughn's collaborative film would have impacted the DCEU. I suppose we'll never know, but we can still dream, no? Let us know what you think of this news in the comments section below.


Published by
Steve Seigh