Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive: Rob Zombie talks 31’s tone and villains!

I almost literally just finished talking with Rob Zombie about the crowd-funding campaign for 31, his latest exercise in brutal horror, and I wanted to share a few of his words as soon as I could. The full interview will go up tomorrow, where we discuss the campaign, his past works and more, but for now let's shine a light on what he had to say about 31's tone, villains and potential casting…

Regarding the film's tone:

Right now it's pretty nasty, that was sort of what I wanted to do. That's what I feel most comfortable with; it's not like THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, but it's more in that vibe, that nasty factor, maybe even moreso. Whereas LORDS OF SALEM was more of a surreal, trippy movie, this is not like that at all. Very rough, in-your-face type of film.

On whether or not his villains – a bunch of killer clowns who come in all shapes and sizes (as seen below) – will have colorful personalities or be more silent, determined types:

I like having villains who have big personalities, because I find they're more engaging. I don't think they're likable [laughs] – it's not like how Captain Spaulding is likable. These guys have charismatic personalities, but they're about as far from likable as you can get. But who knows, I didn't think some of the other characters from my films would be seen as likable, but people seem to love them, so I don't really know. [Laughs] They're really violent and they all have big mouths.

Regarding casting; has he begun the process?

I have a bunch of people I want to approach, a bunch of people I want to talk to, but I can't really talk about it because it's not really fair to the actors to be throwing their names around, but yeah, there are some people. Some I've talked to, some I haven't, so we'll see where it goes. It all comes down to scheduling, that's always the issue with these things.

That's all for now, kiddies, but tomorrow there will be plenty more from Rob about 31, which he hopes will start shooting in February. To learn more about the campaign, head over HERE.

Published by
Eric Walkuski