Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive stills and behind the scenes pics from The Girl, starring Michael Biehn

Last month we shared the news that Jennifer Blanc-Biehn was set to helm the dark thriller THE GIRL, which will feature an impressive cast that includes Evie Louise Thompson (THE CALL) as well as the always impressive Michael Biehn (THE TERMINATOR), Tia Carrera (TRUE LIES), Dana Daurey (AMONG FRIENDS), Nick Nicholson (HIDDEN IN THE WOODS), Raven Carrell, Jenise Blanc, Lorraine Ziff (AMONG FRIENDS), Tanya Newobould, and Hallie Jordan. Now we've gotten our hands on some EXCLUSIVE stills and behind-the-scenes shots from THE GIRL, so check those badboys out below!

THE GIRL is a harrowing tale of a kidnapped girl who is rescued by a young boy, and in return is compelled to save him from the horrors that lie in his home. 

No word as to when we'll be seeing a trailer or hearing a release date for THE GIRL, but as always we'll keep you posted.

Published by
Kevin Woods