Categories: Movie News

Exclusive: The gang’s fully equipped in this Hot Tub Time Machine 2 poster

I don't know many who didn't enjoy the tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek humor of the original HOT TUB TIME MACHINE, and while I was sad to see the sequel was pushed back from its original Christmas slot, we've got an exclusive poster here to remind you that the gang is (mostly) back to travel through time in the coolest fashion outside of a DeLoreon. That's right! It's via hot tub! While the story will follow the group as they try to bust Lou out of some serious trouble, we can probably expect to see plenty of other shit to go down, paradoxes to ensue and laughter to follow.

I'm particularly excited about the inclusion of Adam Scott, who's killed it with his roles in the likes of STEP BROTHERS and Parks and Recreation. Everyone involved knows exactly the kind of film they're making and in the opening months of 2015 when theaters are screening more serious fare with the likes of AMERICAN SNIPER and BLACKHAT, 90 minutes of R-rated time-traveling hijinx is just what the Chevy Chase-looking repairman ordered.

HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 2 will arrive in theaters on February 20.

Published by
Sean Wist