Categories: Horror Movie News

Exorcist showrunner Jeremy Slater is optimistic about season 2 renewal

I watched the first few episodes of FOX's take on THE EXORCIST last year and enjoyed them quite a bit. That is until someone (not naming names here) felt the need to spoil the game-changing twist the series took mid-way through, a mere HOUR before I was set to watch said episode. In a bout of immaturity my 12-year-old self would call, "acting like a little b*tch" I huffed and puffed, and promptly stopped watching the series.

Not because the twist wasn't badass. It was. But only out of my fit of rage. Only to let my friend know how much he had angered me for ruing the great twist. I'm pretty sure he still thinks I watched the entire season. I'm pretty sure I forgot to to scold him for his actions… Dammit.

Anyhow, if you did watch the entire season, and if you were a fan, and if you are stuck in limbo wondering if there will be a season 2… keep wondering. Sorry. But even showrunner Jeremy Slater isn't sure about the series' renewal. That said, he did take to Twitter to address our concerns:

Slater said this about season 2 back in December:

A potential season two would find Marcus, Tomas and Bennett tasked with helping a new family or a new case of possession. That doesn’t mean we’ll never see any of the Rances again, but I think the fans would feel disappointed and cheated if we simply brought Captain Howdy back for round three. The Rances have escaped this legacy of terror–for the time being, anyway–and it seems cruel to immediately drag them back for ten more episodes of suffering. Our challenge now is to create a new family that you care about just as much as the Rances, and to find ways to make their story feel just as compelling and unique as what came before.

As soon as we get further word on THE EXORCIST season 2, we will let you know!

"Dude, I'm not gonna spoil anything for you–" "Please don't…" "–but all I'll say is; if you rearrange the letters of her name you get 'A Clean Re–" "Ahhhhh!!!"
Published by
Mike Sprague