Categories: Movie News

Explore 1950’s Hollywood with these clips from Hail, Caesar!

If you’ve been enjoying the trailers for the Coen brothers’ latest film, HAIL, CAESAR!, then you should get a kick out of the following clips. For those unfamiliar, the film is a comedic period picture set in the 1950s that follows Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin), a Hollywood fixer who works for the studios to protect their movie stars and their squeaky-clean reputations from gossip rags and jealous rivals eager to expose salacious scandals. 1950s Hollywood may seem glamorous, but these clips give us an idea of what goes on behind the silver screen!

The Coens have always been hit or miss for me, but this movie seems like it’ll be a lot of fun. I absolutely loved the last trailer (“Would that it t’were so simple.”) and judging from these clips, I’d say the rest of the cast looks like they’re having a ball, too. I know a lot of folks are eagerly awaiting DEADPOOL next week, but we may have some solid entertainment to tide us over come this Friday!

HAIL, CAESAR! opens on February 5th.

Published by
Sean Wist