Categories: Horror Movie News

Fear the Walking Dead: Sydney Lemmon returns, release date set

After having been MIA for the past two seasons, a Fear the Walking Dead favorite is making her way back to the series when it returns October 17th on AMC. Sydney Lemmon, who memorably played Isabelle, a pilot for the dreaded Civic Republic Military, is returning to the show after only having contributed two quick voice cameos in season six. While the full details of her return aren’t known, what is known is that she won’t be alone, with it also being revealed during the Comic-Con @ Home panel that Omid Abtahi, who was introduced in the season six finale, will be returning as new character Howard.

Two lengthy clips were shown, with the first (embedded above) centered around Morgan (Lennie James) and Grace (Karen David). At the same time, the other (below) focuses on Keith Carradine’s John Dorrie Sr. (Keith Carradine) and his daughter-in-law, June (Jenna Elfman), who make an obscenely grisly discovery while taking shelter. Check it out and see for yourself.

I have to say; I’m impressed with how AMC had turned The Walking Dead franchise into such a cottage industry at this point. Think about it – the flagship show’s been on for twelve years, while its first spin-off, Fear the Walking Dead, is going into season seven, with it acclaimed by fans for fleshing out fan-favorite Morgan and more. There’s even another spin-off, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, with even more to come as Norman Reedus’ Daryl and Melissa McBride’s Carol, are set to ride off into their own spin-off in 2023 when The Walking Dead itself comes to an end.

Check out the full Fear the Walking Dead Comic Con @ Home panel embedded below!

Published by
Chris Bumbray